Mgr. Kamila Velkoborská , Ph.D.
tel.: +420 724 317 613
2008 Ph.D. – Ethnology, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Dissertation: Myth, Magic and Mystery Gods in the Life and Work of Jane Harrison
1995 Mgr. – Czech Language and Literature – English Language and Literature, Pedagogical Faculty, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Diploma thesis: Nature and Spirit in Native American Literature
Work experience
Since 2000 assistant professor at the Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic
1994 – 2000 English teacher (language schools, private language teaching and teaching in companies)
The subjects taught
English for anthropologists
English for archaeologists
English for sociologists
English for cultural studies
English for Middle East studies
English through songs
Native American Myths and Literature
American Cultural Studies
- Fieldwork: neo-Paganism, witchcraft and magic in the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia (Native Faith, Brotherhood of Wolves, Armwartner, Ásatrú, Druidry, Chaos Magic, Necronomicon, traditional, eclectic and Dianic Wicca, eclectic witchcraft, experimental witchcraft, Hermetic Qaballah)
- Research interests: anthropology of religion, anthropology of magic, ritual theory, initiations, secrecy, performance theory, western mysteries, historical paganism, Hermetic Qaballah
Academic Groups and Projects
- CPASE (Contemporary Paganisms and Spiritualities in Europe) – founding member and manager of the international research group
- Ritual Year (, Societé Internationale d´Ethnologie et de Folklore – committee member, coorganizer of annual conferences
- Visegrad Landscape Map ( – coordinator for the Czech Republic
- PAEAN (Pagan/Academic European Associates Network, – administrator